Appendix A. Point tabulation chart and plant lists.  

Latest version.
  • Point Tabulation Chart.

    Plant classification Size at time of planting Points
    Tree (other than palm) 2″ or larger caliper 20
    Palm Tree or
    Each 1″ height of wood (trunk or bulb) (max 20 pts.) 1
    Palm Tree—Large Each 1′ height of trunk (max 30 pts.) 3
    Shrub, Perennial or Tree < ¾″ caliper 1 gallon 2
    Shrub, Perennial or Tree < ¾″ caliper 3—5 gallon 5
    Shrub, Perennial or Tree < ¾″ caliper 10 gallon 7
    Shrub, Perennial or Tree < ¾″ caliper 15 gallon 10
    Shrub, Perennial or Tree < ¾″ caliper 25 gallon/Burlap & Ball 15
    Ground Cover or Vine 1 gallon 1
    Ground Cover or Vine 5 gallon 2
    Perennial or Ground Cover 1 flat 5
    Grass (see exceptions in Table) 5 square feet 0.5


    Recommended Plant Species List.

    The plants listed below in the tables below are recommended for the Texas coastal zone and immediate environs of the City of Aransas Pass. They are chosen because they are non-invasive and have a lush, "tropical" look while being cold hardy (except as noted) and do not require excessive water and fertilizer once established (except as noted). These plants may not be practical for all areas of the city, therefore the water and sunlight requirements of each specific plant should be considered before its placement on the landscape plan. Plants not in the tables are not allowed unless approved by the building official or his designee. Please reference the point tabulation chart to calculate points for all plants.


    F = likely to die in hard freeze

    G = suitable for ground cover

    H = habitat plant (good for birds and/or butterflies)

    N = Coastal Bend native

    T = tropical look

    W = needs moderate water

    Plant species list—TREES

    Acacia famesiana Huisache (H, N)
    Araucaria heterophylla Norfolk Island Pine (F)
    Bauhinia purpurea Orchid Tree
    Brassaia actinophylla, Schefflera actinophylla Umbrella Tree, Banyon (F, T)
    Caesalpinia Mexicana Mexican Poinciana (H, T)
    Cercis canadensis var. Mexicana Mexican Redbud (H, T)
    Cercis canadensis var. texensis Texas Redbud (H, T)
    Chilopsis linearis Desert Willow (H, T)
    Citrus sp. Citrus (Mex. lime, orange, lemon) (F, T)
    Cordia boissieri Wild Olive (F, H, T)
    Diospyros texana Texas Persimmon (H, N)
    Ehretia anacua Anaqua (N, H)
    Ilex Vomitoria Yaupon Holly (H, N)
    Juniperus chinensis Twisted Hollywood Juniper
    Myrica cerifera Wax Myrtle (H, N, T)
    Parkinsonia aculeate Retama (H, N)
    Persea borbonia Red Bay (H, N, T)
    Pinus thunbergia Japanese Black Pine
    Pithecellobium flexicaule Texas Ebony (F, H, N)
    Prosopis glandulosa Mesquite (H, N)
    Prunus Mexicana Mexican Plum (H)
    Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak (N, H)
    Quercus virginiana Live Oak (H, N)
    Sophora secundiflora Texas Mountain Laurel (H, N, T)
    Taxodium mucronatum Montezuma Bald Cypress (W)
    Ulmus crassifolia Cedar Elm (N)
    Ungnadia speciosa Mexican Buckeye
    Vaccinium arboretum Farkleberry (N, H)
    Vitex agnus-castus Lavender Tree, Chaste Tree (H)


    Plant species list—LARGE PALMS

    Arecastrum romanzoffianum Queen Palm (T) Yes
    Brahea armata Mexican Blue Palm (T) Yes
    Livistona chinensis Chinese Fan Palm (T) Yes
    Sabal palmetto Florida Sabal (T) Yes
    Sabal Texana Texas Sabal (N, T) Yes
    Washingtonia robusta Fan Palm (F, T) Yes
    Washingtonia filifera Fan Palm (T) Yes


    Plant species list—SMALL PALMS AND CYCADS

    Butia capitata (Cocos Australis) Pindo, Jelly Palm, (T) Yes
    C'hamaerops humilis Meditenanean Fan Palm (T) Yes
    Cycas revolute Sago Palm (T) Yes
    Phoenix roebelenii Pygmy Date Palm (T) Yes
    Sabal minor Dwarf Palmetto (N, T) Yes


    Plant species list—SHRUBS

    Anisacanthus quadrifidus var wrightii Flame Acanthus (H, T)
    Berberis trifoliolata Agarito (N, H)
    Pride of Barbados (T)
    American Beautyberry (H, N, T)
    Callistemon spp. Bottlebrush (F, H, T)
    Carissa spp. Natal Plum (F, T)
    Dasylirion Texana Texas Sotol (N)
    Duranta repens Brazilian Sky Flower (F, H)
    Eriobotrya hybrid Coppertone Loquat (W)
    Erythina herbacea Coral Bean (H, N)
    Euryops pecinatus Golden Shrub Daisy (F, H)
    Eysenhardtia Texana Texas Kidneywood (H, N)
    Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava (F, H, T)
    Hamelia patens Fire Bush, Hummingbird Bush (F, H, T)
    Hesperaloe parviflora Red Yucca (H, N)
    Hibiscus spp. Tropical Hibiscus (F, T)
    Ilex vomitoria nana Dwarf Yaupon (N, W)
    Justicia spicigera Mexican Honeysuckle (H, T)
    Lantana spp. Lantana (H, N, T)
    Leucophyllum spp. Sage, Cenizo (H, N, T)
    Malpighia glabra Barbados Cherry (F, H, N, T)
    Turk's Cap (H, N, T)
    Nerium oleander Oleander (T)
    Raphiolepis indica Indian Hawthorn (H, T)
    Russelia equesetiformis Firecracker Plant (F, H, T)
    Salvia greggii Autumn Sage (H, N, T)
    Sophora tomentosa Yellow Sophora (N, H)
    Tecoma stans Yellow Bells, Esperanza (H, T) Correct name
    Vigueria stenoloba Skeleton Leaf Goldeneye (H)
    Vitex trifolia Veronica (F, T) Correct name-
    Yucca pendula Softleaf Yucca (H)
    Yucca thompsonia Thompson Yucca (H)
    Yucca treculeana Spanish Dagger (H, N)


    Plant species list—HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS

    Agapanthus spp. Lily of the Nile (T, W)
    Artemesia "Powis Castle" Artemesia (G)
    Asclepias sp. Butterfly Weed (H, N)
    Asclepias tuberose or Asclepias curassavica Butterfly Weed (N, H)
    Aster oblongifolius Fall Aster (G, H)
    Chasmanthium latifolium Inland Seaoats Grass (N, H)
    Chroemalena odoratum Crucita Mistflower (N, H)
    Cuphea hussopifolia Mexican Heather (G)
    Hedychium coronarium, Alpina zerumbet Gingers (F, T)
    Jatropha spp. Jatropha (F, T)
    Justicia brandegeana Shrimp Plant (H, T)
    Kalanchoe sp. Kalanchoe (G)
    Lantana montevidensis, L. sellowiana Trailing Lantana (G)
    Melampodium leucanthum Blackfoot Daisy (G, H)
    Gulf Coast Muhly (G, N)
    Muhlenbergia lindheimeri Big Muhly Grass (N, H)
    Musa ssp. Banana (F, T)
    Penstemon tenuis Gulf Coast Penstemon (G, H, T, W)
    Pentas lanceolata Pentas (H, T)
    Phyla incisa, Phyla nodiflora Frog Fruit (G, N)
    Physostegia angustifolia Spring Obedient Plant (H, G, T, W)
    Plumbago spp. Blue or White Plumbago (G, H, T)
    Rivina humilis Pigeonberry (G, H, N, T)
    Rosemarinus sp. Rosemary (G)
    Ruellia brittoniana Katy's Ruellia (G, W)
    Salvia coccinnea Red sage (H, N, T)
    Salvia leucantha Mexican Bush Sage (H, T)
    "Indigo Spires"
    Salvia "Indigo Spires" (H, T)
    Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem Grass (N, H)
    Stemodia tomentosa Wooly Stemodia (G, N, T) Sandy soil only
    Stipa tenuissima Mexican Feather Grass (N)
    Strelitzia Nicolai Giant Bird of Paradise (T, W)
    Strelitzia reginae Bird of Paradise (T, W)
    Tagetes lemmonii Copper Canyon Daisy (H)
    Trachelospermum asiaticum Asiatic Jasmine (G, T)
    Wedelia texana Orange Zexmenia (G, H, N) New name
    Wedelia trilobata Wedelia (G, T)


    Plant species list—VINES

    Antigonon leptopus Coral Vine, Queens Wreath (F, H, T)
    Bignonia capreolata Crossvine (H, T)
    Bougainvila spp. Bougainvillea (F, T)
    Lonicera sempervirens Coral Honeysuckle (H, T)
    Passiflora incarnataus Passionflower (H, N, T)
    Senecio confusus Mexican Flame Vine (H)
    Stigimaphyllon ciliatum Butterfly Vine (F, H, T)
    Tecomaria capensis Cape Honeysuckle (F, H, T)
    Trachelospermum jasminoides Confederate Jasmine (H, T)


    Plant species list—GRASS

    Buchloe dactyloides Buffalo Grass Clay soils only; Yes
    Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass No
    Paspalum vaginatum Seashore Paspalum Yes
    Stenotaphrum secumdatum "Floralawn" St Augustine grass "Floralawn" No
    Stenotaphrum secumdatum "Floratam" St Augustine grass "Floratam" No
    Zoysia japonica Zoysia grass Yes
    Stenotaphrum secumdatum "Raleigh" St Augustine grass "Raleigh" Yes
    Paspalum Notatum Bahia Grass Yes


    Plant species list—INVASIVE SPECIES (for illustration purposes only)

    Eichornia crassipes Water Hyacinth Not allowed
    Hibiscus tiliaceus Hibiscus Tree (F, T) Not allowed
    Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle Not allowed
    Melia azedarach var. umbraculformis Chinaberry, Texas Umbrella Tree Not allowed
    Pistia stratiotes Water Lettuce Not allowed
    Ricinus communis Castor Bean Not allowed
    Sapium sebiferum Chinese Tallow Not allowed
    Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian Pepper Not allowed
    Smilax bona-nox Green Briar Considered native, not allowed
    Tamarix sp. Salt Cedar No points, not
    Vitis mustangensis Mustang Grape Considered native, not allowed
    Invasive aquatics as listed by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department


( Ord. No. 4076, § 1(Exh. A), 8-4-14 )